Detroit thick crust top-rated

Detroit-Style Pan Pizza Recipe

This recipe ignited my interest in pizza making. It’s still one of my favorite recipes. If you’re interested in trying Detroit style pizza, this straightforward and reliable recipe is a great place to start.

disappointing grandma thick crust

Umberto’s-Style Grandma Pie: A Large, Rectangular Disappointment

This pizza did not meet my high expectations. The crust failed to brown despite my cooking it much longer than the recipe suggested.

Detroit thick crust top-rated

Peter Reinhart’s Classic Red Stripe

Peter Reinhart has come up with the best Detroit style pizza crust out there. The recipe uses some innovative techniques and takes a bit longer than some, but the payoff is well worth it.

easy kid-friendly quick

Artificial Pizza

I use “pizza” loosely here. This is something that I started making as a kid in the microwave. When I make it now, I use the oven.

thick crust top-rated unique

King Arthur’s Crispy Cheesy Pan Pizza

The King Arthur team created a great, well-explained recipe that’s easy to follow and may teach you a few new techniques. If you’re after something a little outside the standard pizza classifications, give this a try. The recipe shows you how to create a thick, yet light and delicate crust.